Awards: The Dreamstress Gives A Stylish Nod to Lil’ Duchie!

American Duchess t-shirt bran has been honored with the “Stylish Blog Award” by The Dreamstress!

I’ve confused my own self, LOL, but head on over to that other blog with the same name and have a looksey 🙂 You can still read these incredibly mundane 10 things about me, though…

10 Things About Lil’ Duchie:

1. When I was in High School I dressed like a boy and wore a lot of necklaces
2. I’ve been competition-level horseback riding since about age 12, but have never owned or even leased a horse.
3. I have no particular favorite color – it changes, like my mood 🙂
4. I survived a rigorous Illustration program at University, and am a professional artist.
5. I’m utterly and completely in love with my Taiwan dog “Avi.”
6. I started costuming in 2003-ish – me, the girl who swore she’d never wear a dress, not even to her own wedding!
7. I have incredible anxiety about social events
8. I once took an independent study class in biology, and self-taught my own self ornithological taxidermy.
9. I often think in an English accent – too much BBC for me (can never get enough!)
10. Julie Andrews is my all-time favorite cinema heroine.


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