Butterick, 1937 Some time ago I went on a bit of a bender looking for original sewing pattern counter books. One of the counter books I had the good fortune to snag…
Royal Vintage – Deco Darling Collection Now on Pre-Order!
Hello Darlings! We are super excited to announce that our sister company Royal Vintage has released the newest collection line for Pre-Order (Delivery in early June)! It’s named Deco Darling and it is…
My Last Project of 2016
1930s-inspired hooded wool bomber jacket. It feels like I haven’t sewn much this year. I certainly have lapsed on the blogging, which I greatly apologize for! Everything we’ve been stitching up since…
How to Wear Vintage Menswear Without Looking Like a Man
Marlene Dietrich – famous for many things, one of which was rocking this look For centuries, women have been working elements of masculine dress into their wardrobes. Clear back to the 16th…
Wearing History “Smooth Sailing” Blouse Review
Wearing History “Smooth Sailing” blouse made from the excellent printed pattern, worn with the ready-to-wear “Smooth Sailing” jeans. The pattern also contains piece for these pants. Late last year I made my…
My 1930s Christmas Gown – Done!
Gosh, I wasn’t expecting to be done with so much time to spare. I forget that vintage sewing takes so much less time than historical sewing, even with working out the pattern…
1930s Velvet Christmas Gown Progress
There was never a better time to start something than so close to a deadline, but with just a couple days of hard graft, I’m surprised and relieved that the gown is…
1930s Velvet Evening Gown Inspiration
To get right to it, I have about two weeks to make my Christmas Party dress. This year it’s green and it’s velvet, and it’s all the fault of these shoes… “Gabrielle”…
A 1930s “Bonnie & Clyde” Sweater Blouse
Another adventure in sewing knits – I’m hooked, now! I’ve got my wooly nylon thread, my ballpoint needles, and a goodly dose of foolhardiness. Sorting through my vintage sweaters board on Pinterest,…