Lauren Stowell
It's progressing nicely, plus I've got a deadline - Colonial Williamsburg in June!
On A 1780s Embroidered Italian Gown – Finally
Glad to be of help! Indeed, fabric waste in the 18th c was a big no-no, as it was so…
On The 7 Stages of Piecing
Thank you!
On A 1780s Embroidered Italian Gown – Finally
Hi! I would go with the larger size *just in case* and then fit out the excess. For the skirt…
On Pattern Notes & Adjustments for Simplicity S8941
Yep, pleating is a great way to get the thicker linen down to the width needed. You can do knife…
On Gown-in-a-Weekend: 1790s Vigee-Lebrun Round Gown from Simplicity S8941
I'll be sure to take some better photos of this jacket and also the stomacher. I've only worn it once…
On 1740s Scottish Tartan Outfit – Done!
Hiya - I do not think you'll be able to get the feathers fully white with this method. You can…
On How To Bleach Feathers…
Thank you so much! We had a lot of fun that day.
On Late 1860s at the P.E.O Sisterhood’s Founder’s Day Luncheon
If you upload your fabric photo to Pinterest and post the link here in the comments, I can take a…
On 18th Century Printed Cotton Do’s & Don’t’s
I can't wait to see your historybounds!
On The February 2021 Collection is Here – {Pre-Order Open!}